The Uni Boob society to run every day in Feb for raising breast cancer awareness across genders

Locals will see an inflatable boob carried by runners from Cardiff University’s Uni Boob society to raise awareness regarding breast cancer.
Members are running with an inflatable boob to take on the task of raising breast cancer awareness in both men and women.
The Uni Boob society represents Coppafeel, the breast cancer awareness charity. Their current campaign is aimed at raising awareness across gender identities and to raise funding for the cause. Both the President and Secretary of the society will run everyday in February, carrying an inflatable boob on their back across Cardiff.

President and Secretary of Uni Boob on a mission to raise breast cancer awareness Credit: Ella Broadbent
Others are free to join in the runs, donate, or give a shout-out to runners when they spot one — whichever works the best. Details regarding running and donations can be found on Instagram and Twitter at @ubtcardiff.
Ella Broadbent, secretary of the Uni Boob society says, “We want everyone to know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer — men included! But, I think men don’t think it can affect them.”
Cancer Research UK notes that about one in every 100 cases of breast cancer cases in the country are reported in males. In fact, each year about 350 to 390 men in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer.

Members of all genders can have breast cancer Credit: Ella Broadbent
Eleanor Crawford, President of Uni Boob, adds how breast cancer can be diagnosed early and its complications prevented by checking yourself just once a month, but people don’t know if they should do it and how to do it. They feel that they are wasting the GP’s time.
She says, “The founder of Coppafeel was diagnosed when she was 23. And she’d never been told to check her boobs before but didn’t even know it was a thing. She didn’t know breast cancer could affect young people. So, we want to get the message out that it can affect anyone at any age.”
“We’re asking people to donate if they like what we’re doing, and they want to support us. Any money raised goes directly to Coppafeel,” says Eleanor.